Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ranch Tour

Some of the alpacas

Most of the alpacas have access to covered stalls with straw covering the floors, as well as open pens.

The other side of the covered stalls

The rest of the alpacas have temporary shelters from the wind and rain made primarily out of tarps.

There are multiple fenced-in pasture areas for the alpacas. They spend part of the day in their pens, and part of their day out in the pastures grazing. Some of these pastures recieve heavier grazing than others.

Some of the lightly grazed pastures.

Some of the heavily grazed pastures.

The manure is currently mixed with the waist straw from alpaca pens and heaped into compost piles that run along side the fences. This helps to keep parasites in check, as well as provide a source of fertilizer for gardening purposes.

Compost piles along fence rows.

An old compost pile previously used as a squash garden

A few pictures of the orchard.

View of the ranch from the edge of the property. Ungrazed pasture, grased pasture, and some of the pens.

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